Questionário sobre trabalhadores do conhecimento deslocados

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Books are now available in English and 30 other languages already covering languages spoken/ understood by over 6 billion persons. Other language versions will be produced and uploaded as soon as they are completed.
Você veio aqui porque está preocupado com o impacto que a IA terá no trabalho baseado em conhecimento/especialização que você realiza ou em suas futuras perspectivas de emprego. As informações que fornecemos através deste site irão equipá-lo não apenas para sobreviver, mas também para prosperar no novo ambiente que já está surgindo. Os trabalhadores do conhecimento estarão entre os primeiros afetados pela revolução da IA e precisarão compreender os fundamentos da IA para se adaptarem e prosperarem. nesta nova era.
Our guidebook for knowledge workers which you can get from here is tailored to your needs and provides insights into spotting opportunities within your current industry and outlines practical steps for transitioning into new, AI-enhanced roles. Spotting and capitalizing on AI-driven opportunities allows knowledge workers to not only secure their current positions but also to advance in their careers. By understanding the transformations AI is bringing to their industries and actively engaging in acquiring new skills, they can navigate the challenges of AI integration and emerge as invaluable assets to their employers Alternatively they could become confident independent professionals developing a new well-paid career as AI-agent developers thriving in the AI environment.
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