Programadores/desenvolvedores existentes
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Books are now available in English and 30 other languages already covering languages spoken/ understood by over 6 billion persons. Other language versions will be produced and uploaded as soon as they are completed.
Os programadores/desenvolvedores de Ai-Agent existentes já estarão familiarizados com os desenvolvimentos recentes em IA. Eles terão visto uma demanda crescente por seus serviços. Aqueles que são novos no desenvolvimento de Agentes de IA aprenderão sobre as muitas novas oportunidades que estão se abrindo para aqueles que possuem as habilidades para se tornarem desenvolvedores de Agentes de IA. Com o surgimento da IA e sua capacidade de fazer codificação, os Agentes de IA agora podem ser criados por aqueles com conhecimento mínimo ou mesmo nenhum conhecimento de linguagens de programação.
The AI Tsunami has already started and it will get even greater in intensity and power over the next few years. AI-agent developers can play an important role and can earn good incomes from products and services they develop to assist businesses. The attached book gives guidance in your language on what you can do to enhance your capabilities in AI. You can download the book once you complete the questionnaire and log back in with your password
The demand for AI -Agent developers is increasing and this will become a new and highly-paid profession during the next Decade. A new International Association of AI-Agent Developers ( IAAD) is also being established ( . We strongly recommend that both experienced and novice developers visit the IAAD website and join the IAAD which will promote and service the needs and interests of its members.
In this interim period, until the IAAD is developed, we will provide a resource centre on this site where we give some guidance and give links to information on a range of the better tools, templates, training courses and other resources for existing and novice developers.
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